Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
Community CentresDec 5, 20245536%
SportsOct 30, 20211813100%
DentistsMay 8, 20212120%
PharmaciesDec 20, 20202250%
MonumentsAug 10, 20203333.3%
KindergartensAug 1, 20195436%
ClinicsJun 30, 20193346.7%
SchoolsJun 28, 20198740%
CinemasJun 27, 20191160%
HotelsJun 27, 20192237.5%
Government OfficesJun 27, 20193346.7%
Social FacilitiesJun 25, 201911-
LibrariesApr 20, 20193226.7%
VeterinariesFeb 11, 20191160%