Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
SchoolsFeb 22, 2024333170.3%
Drinking WaterDec 8, 202311100%
KindergartensOct 15, 2023171776.5%
SportsOct 14, 20237641100%
DoctorsOct 14, 202311100%
DentistsOct 14, 20235472%
Social FacilitiesOct 14, 20232250%
ClinicsOct 13, 20237577.1%
PharmaciesOct 13, 20237640%
HospitalsSep 7, 20232270%
Government OfficesApr 27, 20236540%
HotelsDec 7, 20224437.5%
VeterinariesJul 9, 20212270%
CollegesJul 6, 20212270%
Community CentresJul 4, 20211160%
UniversitiesJul 3, 20211140%
MonumentsMay 26, 20202116.7%
MemorialsMay 26, 20201133.3%
Arts CentresApr 8, 20191120%