Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
Arts CentresDec 7, 20243326.7%
ClinicsOct 3, 20236560%
SportsApr 30, 20233123100%
HospitalsApr 29, 20231160%
Social FacilitiesFeb 1, 20232250%
SchoolsJan 31, 2023161018.8%
MonumentsOct 17, 20226233.3%
Community CentresOct 17, 20228725%
DamsOct 3, 202211100%
LibrariesSep 22, 20221140%
HotelsSep 11, 20222225%
PharmaciesJun 18, 20227428.6%
KindergartensJun 4, 20222250%
Government OfficesJun 3, 20226460%
ToiletsJun 1, 202222100%
VeterinariesJun 1, 20222220%
MemorialsMay 28, 20221133.3%
Drinking WaterApr 13, 201422100%