Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
ToiletsDec 24, 2024135100%
SchoolsDec 17, 2024401630.5%
ClinicsDec 17, 2024241153.3%
Government OfficesDec 17, 202421922.9%
Drinking WaterDec 13, 202452100%
SportsDec 3, 20244928100%
MemorialsNov 26, 20244325%
CollegesOct 5, 20242250%
PharmaciesJul 8, 2024151128.0%
UniversitiesJun 24, 20241140%
DamsMay 26, 202463100%
KindergartensMay 17, 20244240%
LibrariesFeb 7, 20246520%
DentistsOct 20, 20226633.3%
Bicycle ParkingOct 6, 20221142.9%
MonumentsSep 27, 20226227.8%
WaterfallsSep 18, 202211100%
VeterinariesSep 17, 20222240%
HotelsSep 7, 20222225%
Bicycle ShopsJul 29, 20223320%
Social FacilitiesFeb 27, 20221120%
Guest HousesJul 28, 20211125%