Presets List

Namelast edited# of features# of changesetsrequired tags coverage (%)
HotelsDec 5, 2024101040%
SportsDec 2, 202420694100%
VeterinariesJul 14, 20243366.7%
SchoolsJun 7, 2024726323.1%
UniversitiesApr 22, 2024101032%
Bicycle ParkingMar 27, 20241157.1%
ClinicsMar 20, 202414825.7%
DentistsDec 18, 20237442.9%
CollegesDec 15, 20235536%
HospitalsOct 30, 2023181226.7%
Government OfficesJan 11, 2023101032%
PharmaciesJun 29, 202123920.9%
DoctorsMar 5, 20213133.3%
MemorialsJun 29, 20209633.3%
GalleriesJun 29, 20201120%
Bicycle ShopsFeb 22, 20203333.3%
LibrariesFeb 14, 2020558%
ToiletsJul 28, 2019146100%
Guest HousesJul 4, 20194431.3%
Drinking WaterJul 1, 201943100%
KindergartensJan 31, 20192220%
Social FacilitiesJan 28, 20181120%
CinemasJan 28, 20181120%
MonumentsFeb 9, 20171133.3%
Arts CentresOct 31, 20131120%